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Individual Executive Assessment

An in-depth process to identify a person’s track record of performance to predict their ability to achieve a specific set of objectives in their current or future role.  We may include 360-degree interviews or reference interviews as well to compliment the interview-based assessment process.

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Executive Coaching

A relationship-based process designed to help executives improve performance in their current role and/or help them prepare for the next role.  Coaching topics may include building stronger teams, delegating, relationship management or navigating the political and cultural landscape more effectively.

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Executive Onboarding

A process designed to accelerate the performance of new hires and internal promotions to ensure maximum success in minimal time.  The process can be light or more high touch depending on the complexities of the role and organization.  The appropriate steps will be determined after the assessment based on the level of need for onboarding support.

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Organizational & Team Analysis

An in-depth process that gives a leader a full picture of how his/her team (and broader organization) views the company, the opportunities and risks inherent in the business, the culture, and the leadership of the organization.  The output from this process can be used to create greater alignment and ensure everyone is working towards the same goals.

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General Consultation & Advisory Work

An ongoing relationship with the goal of assisting leaders with their most important people-related business challenges.

The evidence is clear that the talent that most effectively drives successful client relationships, employee teams, and organizations overall, possesses a healthy dose of EQ as well as a strong IQ. The challenge lies in effectively discerning the real depth, richness, and adaptability of one’s EQ in the absence of objective, easily quantifiable data.

Our company has found Sheila Kampa and her team to be remarkably adept and skilled in recognizing, evaluating , and nurturing the EQ success drivers in prospective and current Olson employees. It’s been a real differentiator in helping us achieve our goals and aspirations in this highly creative business.
— John Partilla, CEO, Olson